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Physics. Electrostatics. Constant current

Mazur, Tatiana Physics. Electrostatics. Constant current = Фізика. Електростатика. Постійний струм : laboratory works = лабораторний практикум / T. Mazur, O. Fedorov, M. Mazur. - Ivano-Frankivsk : IFNTUOG, 2018. - 41 p.

This laboratory practice is written in accordance with the program of the physics course for students of specialty "185 - Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology" and contains methodical instructions on measuring electrical quantities and laboratory work from the section "Electrostatics. Constant current". Each work is accompanied by an outline of the theory and a specified methodology and sequence of work execution. Considerable attention is paid to the practical application of the corresponding physical phenomena. Can be used by students of all specialties.

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